In preparation of keeping my nearly 4 year old granddaughter this weekend, I set out on a 10 mile run this morning.
The skies were clear and brisk; 27 degrees and sunny; ideal conditions to get the blood pumping in preparation for two days of:
"Popeye, can we play hide and seek?"
"Popeye, can I ride my bike?"
"Popeye, will you read me a story?"
"Popeye, can we play with my baby dolls?"
To all of which (including the last one), I will answer "Yes sweetheart."
I don't believe there is anything quite like a grandchild.
It's as if God gives you a do over.
"Listen to the mustn'ts, child.
Listen to the don'ts.
Listen to the shouldn'ts, the impossibles, the won'ts.
Listen to the never haves, then listen close to me.
Anything can happen, child. Anything can be." - Shel Silverstein
My name is Robert Key and I am a runner from Houston, Texas. I saw your blog listed when I was looking through the RBF directory and very much enjoyed reading some of your entries. I have a web site at http://www.faithfulsoles.com that is inspirational stories for walkers, runners and athletes of all ages and abilities. A new feature I have recently added to the site is a categorized and searchable Running Blog Database where members of my site can find a blog of interest to them based on other walkers, runners or athletes of similar abilities, goals and interests. To my knowledge it is the only one of its kind specifically for walkers and runners on the internet. I would appreciate it if you would take a moment to put a link to your blog in our Running Blog Database. Just click on "Link your running blog" under "Free Features" from the home page. If you want to learn more about my running background, just click on "Meet Robert" from the main menu , or to learn more about my involvement in the running community, click on "Faithful Soles in the news" in the left column under "Weekly Features". I also have a blog that I just started at http://faithfulsoles.blogspot.com, but most of my running information is on my web site. Also, if there is anyone else in your blogger network that you think would be interested in listing their blog, please feel free to pass this information along to them. Thanks and continued good luck in your training
cute grand-daughter!
you are brave to run so long in chillness...cute that she calls you popeye!
i am a wimp!
i wear a wool top when it's 39!
Popeye! That's a cool name! She is a cutey. Hope you had a great weekend!
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